Pacing and flow
Create a rehearsal workflow with value based time management using the formula V = C/T. The value of a rehearsal segment (V) equals the Content ( C ) produced divided by the amount of Time (T) invested.
3 and out
Select and rehearse 3 segments before reading from beginning to end. The segments can be any order.
Read all, then react to the results, identifying big picture issues.
Emotional contour
Identify and rehearse key places relating to the emotional contour of the overall form. In particular, interpret the peaks and valleys
Select and rehearse segments of the overall form using overlaps that alternate reading and interpreting. Work from beginning towards the end. (Eg., AB, BC, CD, DE)
Same as “Segments” but work from the end towards the beginning (eg. F, EF, DE, CD, etc.). Read and interpret.
Provide interpretive details before reading from beginning
Stop and go
Start from the beginning, but stop frequently as needed to fix spots.
Texture Layers
Identify the various layers of texture in a given segment. Rehearse each layer separately.
What Why How
Rehearse segments of the composition from the perspective of what is in the segment, why the composer made various choices, and how the lines should be interpreted.
Ignore the score
Memorize the tempo/meters of a segment. Rehearse the segment with eyes on the ensemble. Use an entirely aural approach for identifying issues.
Intensity with silence
Use silences in a musical passage that generate anticipation or tension.
Performers vocalize the rhythm of segment(s) using a “ch” sound for articulations.
Sing and play
Sing a passage, then play it.
Target Practice
Rehearse the most difficult segment of the composition , then read from beginning to end.
Tell short stories evoked from the emotional intention of the music.
Language-free rehearsals
Use only gestures (not words) to give instructions to the ensemble about musical interpretation.