Monday, September 9, 2019

First Rehearsal

Our first rehearsal for the new season is Wednesday,  September 11th, 7:00 to 9:00 pm.
The rehearsal location is Fridley Middle School, not Totino High School. I have been working for the
past two months creating a literature planning spreadsheet for the coming year. Here is a link to the

Note that I use this spreadsheet as an organic reflection of my literature planning as it progresses
throughout the year. As my thinking changes, so does the spreadsheet. For example, in the February
segment, there are titles called “Totino Concertos”. Later this fall, several students from Totino H
igh School will be selected to perform as soloists with the Star of the North. The literature for these
“concerto” solos will be determined by January, 2020.

Ordinarily, we would start the year reading through all of the music we will perform at our first concert
in November. However, I haven’t yet received the score for Mars from the publisher, and the Minor
Alterations piece is the wrong arrangement, so I had to re-order the correct version.  I’ll need to
collect all the parts for the “Diminished Minor Alterations” and return them to the publisher.

For this week’s rehearsal, I’ve added some previews of coming attractions (music for concerts in
February and May).

Here are the known concert dates so far:
Sunday, November 24, 3:00 pm, Red Wing High School
Sunday, December 8, 500 pm, Arboretum
Wednesday, December 11, 7:00 pm, Landmark Center

Tuesday, February 25, 7:00 pm, Hopkins High School

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